Day 15 final day and arrival into Auckland

The final day and a 6nm row / sail into the Waitamata harbour to round North Head and stop for a scrumptious lunch at the Devonport Naval Museum before pushing on for the last row of 3nm to Westhaven marina. An outgoing tide of 2 knots making parts of this a tough pull and lack of wind proving too much for the yachts who had to motor or be towed the final stretch.


Day 13 trip to Rocky bay

Another perfect day for rowing with a fading SW breeze and smooth seas, Leg one was 6nm to Blackpool on Waiheke island with the chance for a refreshing swim or walk to Oneroa shops for an ice cream and views over the Hauraki gulf followed by a short 3nm hop along the Waiheke shoreline to Rocky Bay (Whakanewha ) and our camp for the night.







Day 12 rest day

Lots of walking reading fishing and generally relaxing at beautiful Motutapu. While some chose to tackle the summit of Rangitoto island others settled for one of the many shorter walks and a keen bunch led by the Scottish ventured out into the bay and proceeded to use the St Ayles skiff for what it was originally intended for… fishing. pleased to say fresh fish was on the BBQ again that night.



Day 11 and the long row

Todays mission was to tackle a sloppy left over sea and 10-15 knot head wind for the longest row to date, 8nm across the open sea to Rakino island for lunch. A great achievement from all the rowers who tackled this leg as the conditions were certainly demanding and at a bit over 3 hours rowing time endurance was the name of the game.

Meanwhile the yachts Scirocco and Blue Stratos were recovered from Mahurangi harbour where they had been safely moored during the weekend easterly blow and sailed the whole distance to Rakino in fantastic sailing conditions.


Tanya and Dee Ankersmit joined us on this leg in the beautiful little John Welford designed Danials boat, seen here sporting its heavy weather rig.


Peter Laidlaw being able helmsman of the John Dory for the day.







Day 10 a day of learning

Still a bit stormy and a small swell breaking on the beach so it was the perfect opportunity to learn surf launching with Ali and Murdo our trusty Scottish participants.

Followed by the chance to try some rowing in moderately rough conditions, a new adventure for some who are normally based in the sheltered waters of rivers and inland harbours.




We also took the opportunity to practice some man overboard recovery techniques. Having seen the videos of the feet first recovery method. Murdo kindly offered to be the dummy and having tried at least half a dozen different methods of recovery its without doubt that the feet and legs over the gunwale technique wins hands down.

With some practice its possible to pull a swimmer with or without a lifejacket safely and easily into the St Ayles without any major strain or effort and the centre thwart makes a great bench should CPR be required on the recovered person meanwhile the stroke and bow could still row safely back to shore or towards assistance if required.


